Friday, May 24, 2013

Weekly Roundup!

Holy smokes, where did this week go?
No complaints, but I feel like it flashed by! And into a holiday weekend nonetheless!

I did a weekly roundup last week and got some great feedback! To be honest, I liked it too!
And it just so happens that I can do it again and also join Lindsey for her first Friday Favorites link-up!


Without further ado - here are some of my favorite things that I cam across this week!

Favorite DIY

 I've seen lots of ideas like this on Pinterest, but this one is by far my favorite! Places you or you & a loved one have traveled to together, cut out into adorable heart shapes, and framed! I think I need to get around to making this one!

Favorite Tweet

Once again it goes to the funniest Chrissy Teigen. I should just change this category from "favorite tweet" to "favorite chrissy tweet". Damn, what a good question, Chrissy. She always knows how to make me think the really deep thoughts.

Favorite Wedding Detail

 I call this - the naked cake! Hilary Duff was one of the first to bring this new trend into the spotlight at her own wedding, and I have to say I'm a huge fan! Throw in the above red velvet cake and I'm sold, sign me up for one of these when I get married!

Favorite Inspiration

I wrote about Zach on Wednesday. Unfortunately, he lost his battle on Monday at the age of 18. What he left behind for his family and for the world is truly something that cannot be ignored. If you haven't taken the time to watch the video yet, I promise you it'll be the best 22 minutes of your week.

Favorite Smile

I'm a dog loving freak. And this, this is enough to make me burst with happiness.

Favorite Grub

Confession: I love pizza for breakfast. So when I saw this I knew that I didn't even need to bite into it to love it. Naan Breakfast Pizza - yummy yummy goodness!

Favorite Feel Good Moment

Here's another must see video. The destruction shown after that tornado ripped through Oklahoma this week was enough to make you sick to your stomach. It's really unimaginable to think about what those people are experiencing in the aftermath. I love hearing the stories of heroes, of people helping out, and the survivors being found among the ruins. This has to be one of my favorite of those moments - if you haven't seen it yet & need a feel good moment, this is it! This dog lover right here almost shed a tear at the end!

Favorite Quote

Now go do that - think happy thoughts & enjoy your weekend! It's the unofficial kick-off to summer so I'm wishing you all bright sunshine, barbecued foods, and lots of time with those you love!

Happy Memorial Day Weekend!

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