Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Life Lately

First and foremost - my heart is feeling a bit heavy right now for Oklahoma.
I can't even watch the news or look at the pictures without getting chills down my spine and tears in my eyes. It's almost hard to believe.
Mother Nature, you sure can be a scary b!tch.
Adding all of those people/families/children/animals to my prayer list - they need it right now.

Well it's Tuesday, meaning I missed my weekend recap on Monday...
But sometimes, family comes first, and I spent all day Monday shopping & spending time with my Mom and sister! Wouldn't have had it any other way. 

According to my iPhone, this is how my weekend looked!
*Not pictured, my intense battle with seasonal allergies. I don't know what to itch first, my eyes, my nose, or my throat. Just joined Team Allegra - sorry Zyrtec, you dropped the ball.*

1. I discovered these awesome flowers in our backyard! Big purple balls of beautiful!
2. My dachshund nephew, Baci (pronounced Bochie)
3. Bought new "sweet green" Evolution fresh juice sold @ Starbucks - learned I don't like green juice
4. Enjoying the sunshine, not the allergies
5. Worked a winery wedding in Kutztown, PA
6. Wedding flowers - pinks, greens, purples galore!
7. Paella station @ the wedding!
8. It's difficult to have a classy wedding with a pig roast but they pulled it off!
9. Ceremony seating formed a semi-circle for a more intimate feel.
10. Made some Giada lemon ricotta cookies - recipe here. Go make them, now.
11. Turned our antique trunks into a bar by adding legs - wall wine rack above it coming soon!
12. This is how our poodle, Gucci, sleeps. Such a lady.
13. Spotted: Dahlias blooming in the backyard!
14. Stella Mozzarella doing some sun bathing.
15. Did some antiquing on Sunday with Mom, looking for a bench for our kitchen table!
16. Currently addicted to Lays Roasted Garlic and Sea Salt chips.

And since I told you that I spend the day shopping yesterday, here are some of the pretties that I brought home to live with me :-) Welcome to the family, girls.

1  /  2  /  3

OH and these beautiful little guys!


Keep your eyes out for some (hopefully) great Memorial Day sales coming your way!

Happy shopping!


  1. Hi Andrea! I just heard about your blog thanks to Sheree's post on The Hartungs. I thought I would come check it out. I love your layout, and I'm not following you via Bloglovin and GFC.


  2. your weekend looked pretty great! That pig made me do a double take haha

    also I nominated you for a Liebster award! I posted about it yesterday- check it out!

  3. Mother Nature is def a scary bitch.

    And Malcolm enjoys sunbathing too. Our dogs are perfect for each other. ;)
