Friday, May 17, 2013

Weekly Roundup!

Welcome back, Friday! 

I just want to say THANK YOU to the 23 followers that I now have on GFC and the 16 I have on Bloglovin! Each day that I gain a new one, I get really super excited and do a little happy dance - kinda pathetic? NO! Because I know that every blogger has to start somewhere, with 1 follower and go from there, and I'm so thankful that you all have joined me on this little journey of mine! So thanks for being awesome humans.

I don't know about you, but this week flew by for me and I'm not complaining! I'm excited to see the weekend here again & with a beautiful weather forecast to go along with it! This weekend I'll be coordinating a vineyard wedding in Kutztown, PA with my internship! As a lover of all things wine & all things wedding - I think this is going to be a match made in heaven for me! I can't wait to see the final product come to life! There will be plenty of pictures come Monday that I'm sure I'll be very excited to share - and who knows, maybe I'll come out of this with my future wedding reception site in tow. No I'm not engaged, but you can never be too prepared.

 Enjoy some of my FAVORITES from this week!

Favorite Tweet(s)

When it comes to twitter, Chrissy Teigen can do no wrong. It's like everything she says is twitter gold -it's what everyone is thinking, but she says it so well. It's always hard to just pick one, especially since this week she was so busy calling Teen Mom Farrah a whore and all...

Favorite News
I'll admit, in the past, Angelina was never my favorite celebrity. She was always a little rough around the edges to me. Of course there was also that whole husband stealing from Jen Aniston incident. But this past week she really jumped to the top of my list when she used her voice to speak out about her double mastectomy decision when she found out she carried the BRCA1 gene. She really brought attention to a topic that many woman should be more educated on. If you haven't read her op-ed in the NY Times yet, I recommend it! And you can read my thoughts on it here!

Favorite Recipe
If your a quinoa lover like me, you'll run and make this ASAP!

Favorite Quote
Couldn't have said it better myself! Never ever ever let anyone dull your positivity.

Favorite Wedding Inspiration 
 I'm not yet engaged and planning a wedding - but being in the wedding planning/decor industry gives me an excuse to pin the crap out of so many gorgeous things that I find! I'm not kidding when I say my Pinterest "Wed" board is overflowing with so much inspiration! This above picture was featured on 100 Layer Cake - one of my go-to websites to drool over! You can see the rest of that wedding pictured above here, it's a must see! The crisp and clean whites and neutrals with pops of pink, yellow, blue, gold, and mercury glass are too good. And how adorable is this sweetheart's table? LOVE!

Favorite Workout
 I made an executive decision yesterday on behalf of my booty that this is happening, so I started it! I have it printed out in my bedroom so I can cross the days off as I go! Why did I choose this? 1.) Because if my ass looks half as good as that girls in the picture, I'll consider this a great success, and 2.) summer is right around the corner and well, that means bikini time! Wish me luck! If you want to do it along with me, you can find it here.

Favorite Laugh
Need I say anything at all?

Favorite Destination
 Krabi, Thailand
Either Thailand just photographs really well, or it's quite possibly one of the most beautiful places on the planet. I guess I'll have to venture there one day to decide!

That's all folks! 
Wishing everyone a fantastic & sunshine-filled weekend!


  1. New followers are always exciting!!!

    I am turning my Friday Favorites post into a link up next week. I would love it if you would link up your Weekly round up post!

  2. That is so exciting - count me in for sure!

  3. This is so cute! I've never (gasp!) done a weekly round up! Maybe I should?! I do a Monday weekend wrap-up but I'm loving this weekly one!
